Adding to the holiday cheer is our stockings, which I finally finished. I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out, and even happier to have them done! They're hanging on either side of our fireplace between some of the "unconventional" ginger men we made when my mom was here visiting. I'll add some detailed pictures, once I've taken them, as they are too hilarious not to share. Among others, we have a Rabbi, Lady Gaga, a mad scientist, the Pope, a leprechaun, and Jimmy Buffet.
I'm pretty sure they're not exactly what the creators of the craft kit had in mind, but they're bizarre, hilarious and weird - perfect for a Pete & Millie Christmas.
Luckily, I was spared the need to make a third stocking, as we found one filled with dog toys at Walmart. Since
<--THIS is what Mac does to his toys within minutes of getting them, we're reluctant to drop a lot of money on them. This gem has 8 toys for 9 bucks, and a stocking to boot. No more intarsia with Caron Simply Soft for me, no breaking our bank accounts, and hours of fun and domination for our boy - everybody wins! 

Still hammering away at Christmas gifts, but almost everything seems attainable at this point. I've finished Pete's ski hat. The simple pattern of knits and purls were quite cathartic after all the lace, cables and colorwork I've been doing. I also finished my sister's socks, a pattern I'm glad to be done with. Not totally sure what it was about this pattern, but I never seemed to be able to get into it. They turned out nicely, however, and I hope she'll be
happy with them. The tiny sweaters are humming along - I've only got 5 to go, and hope to be mailing those out soon. Now to just write all those Christmas Cards. Le sigh - it seems as though every time I finish something, two or three more projects pop up. I should really stop doing that to myself. And on a totally unrelated note, I just cast on for a sweet little cardigan. Ahem. Where's the nearest Knitters Anonymous?
"Hello, my name is Millie, and I'm a Knitaholic."
(All together now): "Hi, Millie"