Though I've often thought about jumping on the blogging train, I've usually struggled with thoughts of, "Who wants to read what your scattered, rambling, incoherent mind is pooping out?" In fact, I still struggle with this thought.
However, due to the vast, mind-numbing boredom that comes with unemployment (there are only so many hours a day you can look for a job) and the recent creative swing my knitting has taken (I came up with my own pattern! Kind of!), I decided, "Screw it! Perhaps there are people out there who might care about my random thoughts, and even if they don't care, perhaps they'll at least want to look at pictures of my knitting."
So if you're reading this, to you I say Thanks! I'm still learning as we go here, so please be patient these first few posts as I sort out the kinks. I've actually got an interview in an hour or so, so nothing special today, but

will update soon! The name for this blog came to me (seriously) in my dream last night, so I wanted to jump on it and make sure no one stole it. I'm so cool.
Wouldn't it be funny if I finally gave in and start a blog to fight unemployment boredom and that same day get a job? Have no fear, however, imaginary readers, for I will not abandon thee. Alright. I feel this already has turned into a bit of verbal diarrhea, so I'll stop and instead leave you with an adorable picture of my Mac, the recent addition to our home.
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