So, looking back on my last post, it became quickly apparent that it was WAAAAAY too long.
The good news is I do have a few complete projects to share, which is unheard of for me! The first is the zig-zag Jaywalker socks I was so close to finishing last time. Mama Bear comes tomorrow, so it's a relief to have them be done so I can send them back to Milwaukee with her. It seems as though I started the decreases on toe two rows too early on Sock #2, and so the toes didn't end up lining up. The perfectionist in me twitches a bit, but since I don't have to wear them, I'm trying my best to keep in mind that these socks are charity knitting for a good cause and let it go at that :)
I also finished a project I didn't even mention last time. I test knit this adorable Spring Leaf Cardigan by Shmu. I stumbled on her sweet baby cardigan during my many hours of clicking around Ravelry and fell in love. I offered (aka forced her) to let me test knit, and it turned out so lovely. It's made with Cascade Cherub, which I stumbled upon at my visit at my LYS, Shuttles, Spindles & Skeins. I loved working with this yarn, and feel it's soft texture and vibrant color was perfect for a baby project. I'm stashing it away for a future baby - mine or a friend's, I'm not sure yet. I know it's weird to make baby stuff for no one in particular, but itty bitty knitty projects are just so much fun! I love the leaf detail on the trim. I'm still in need of buttons, but figured that since there's no imminent delivery on the horizon, I've got time to look for some.
Of course, I have to combat the sweetness of a baby cardigan, and so naturally, the next item I made was a Penis-shaped Chapstick holder. Seriously, this is the weirdest, most hilarious thing
I've ever knit. I made it for a friend for her birthday. We always try to out-do each other in terms of weirdness of gifts, and I think I may have finally won the battle for good. I didn't have any flash-colored yarn on hand, so I'm just saying that this is the "Jersey Shore" version. I took it to my Knit Night with the Boulder Knitting Collective last night, and am pleased to say that there may soon be many more knit phalluses in existence. Which can only make the world a better place :) I love the fact that these women thought it was funny instead of creepy, and feel so lucky to have found a great group in a new city.
Other than that, I'm still plugging away on Christmas gifts (2 pairs of socks, a hat, a shawl and all those ornaments), and trying to find moments to finish up my second full-size sweater ever, the Rosamund Cardigan. I love the color, love the fit, love the cable detail on the trim, and just want it to be done so that I can wear it! I've almost finished the body, so there's an end in sight. In fact, I think I'll go work on that now.
Happy knitting, y'all!
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