Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's Frog-day, Frog-day, gotta get down on Frog-day...

First, apologies to everyone for getting the horrific Rebecca Black song stuck in your head, but it's been in mine for a day and a half, so if I have to suffer, I figured you do too.

My knitting has been rather unproductive lately. It's not for lack of trying, but rather my fickle, fickle nature and a desire to truly love my finished product. With my first few sweaters, I made the pattern exactly as written and ended up with finished projects that I liked, but that didn't fit me very well. My Slanting Gretel was the first sweater I knit that I really, truly loved. My first few efforts taught me a lot about sweater construction, and I finally felt confident enough to try some modifications. I put a ton of effort into the Gretel, ripping back and modifying to make a sweater that fit JUST the way I wanted it to, and it was totally worth all the work.

Until this happened.

I will not go into the details, as it still hurts my heart too much to talk about it. Let's just say that my sweater, my 100% wool sweater, was introduced to the washing machine (by someone other than myself) and their relationship did not go so well. It is felted beyond recognition, and would barely fit a four year old. It's placed on top of my Rosamund cardigan to give you some perspective on just how much it shrunk.

Anyway, despite its early demise, the Gretel really underscored just how important it is for me to really like the projects I'm making. Why put all that time and effort (not to mention money) into something that you not TOTALLY in love with? With this new perspective, I have been a frogging machine.

My Pole? I got about 220 yards into it before I admitted to myself that I wasn't really digging it and would probably never wear it.


It is now becoming a Que Sera.

My Strafford tee? I had the back panel about 90% done before I acknowledged that it was turning into a shapeless sack, wasn't flattering, and I would probably never wear it.


It is now becoming a Coraline.

Though I'm bummed about the countless hours of knitting I just ripped and rewound into yarn cakes, I'm hoping it will be worth it in the end. I'm in the mood for cardigans, and I've coveted both these sweaters since I first discovered them. I think I just need validation from someone that it was worth it...

And I haven't been TOTALLY unproductive. A FO post is coming soon. Until then, here's a taste.

1 comment:

  1. I understand completely where you are coming from! I ripped out an ENTIRE sweater because I hated fit. I knit it knowing I wasn't a huge fan of the construction and design, but I still knit the stupid thing. It was not smart and I'm getting better about trusting my instincts.
